A central advisory board and multiple research panels consisting of key stakeholders including ICU survivors and family members, clinicians, trialists, methodologists/biostatisticians, and other relevant stakeholders (e.g., representatives of hospital management, legal units, and health economists) will advise the platform and domain management committees on central aspects related to the conduct of INCEPT or specific domains.

Advisory board members:

  • Jonas Egebart, Medical director at the Danish Health Authority, Denmark
  • Jakob Kjellberg, Health Economist and Research Professor at The Danish Center for Social Science Research (ViVE), Denmark
  • Karin Friis Bach, Politician, Chair of the Board of Health, Danish Regions, Denmark 
  • Birgitte Villsbøl Hansen, Department Manager at the GCP-unit at Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Berit Schwartz, Head of the Legal Unit at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Troels Engvej, Jurist at the Legal Unit at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Anthony Gordon, Head of Division of Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care and Professor at Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Michael Harhay, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Statistics and Data Science at Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, United States of America