This page contains the key documents related to INCEPT and approved domains. This section will be substantially updated and restructured prior to (and after) first inclusion.
Protocol documents
Approved protocol documents:
- INCEPT Core protocol (v1.3 20250213)
- INCEPT National appendix – Denmark (v1.3 20250213)
- INCEPT-Albumin Domain-specific appendix (v1.3 20250213)
Key persons and management committees
- INCEPT Key persons and platform management committee (20250213)
- INCEPT National coordinating centres and investigators in each active country (20250213)
- INCEPT-Albumin Key persons and domain management committee (20250226)
Other documents
- Active countries and sites in INCEPT and each domain (20250109)
- Case money (compensation model; 20250213)
- Planned substudies: no substudies currently planned.